Tuesday Truth

2 Corinthians 5:17

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

I woke up this morning with the bridge of the song “Graves into Gardens” by Elevation going though my head. The lyrics say,

You turn mourning to dancing
You give beauty for ashes
You turn shame into glory
You’re the only one who can

You turn graves into garden
You turn bones into armies
You turn seas into highways
You’re the only one who can

What do these words mean? Based on 2 Corinthians 5:17, all things are new when you come to Christ. That means the curse of sin no longer applies to you. He begins to turn your grief and sorrow into joy and gladness. He begins to turn those things that you thought would destroy you into beautiful testimonies of His mercy and grace. He takes the shame of your past from sins you’ve committed and those sins that have been committed against you and crowns you with His glorious love. He revives those places in you that you thought were dead and empowers you to be effective and fruitful. He takes our weakness and the effects of sin in our lives and uses them to become our battle cry to wage war against the enemy of our souls and stand in victory! And when the way forward seemed to be previously blocked by unseen forces, impossibility and problems, He suddenly open up the way before us and we begin to walk in His purpose and will for our lives by the power of Holy Spirit!

Wow! I just preached myself happy this morning! I’m so thankful for the Word of God, His promises and the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross! Let’s walk in the newness and fullness of this life He has promised us and given us!!!

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